It was all good fun at the festival until you ate those tacos.

Now you're having a very unpleasant dream.

Maybe those toxic tacos can help you get rid of these berzerkers, until...

Originally written as an entry for gamedevtv gamejam 2024 and my first ever project.

Having marked the wrong day in my calendar I missed the deadline. I only scraped together fifty hours, making this from scratch, but it worked! Since I missed the deadline I refactored code, added a title screen and tweaked the berzerkers' AI.

Made with many free resources (none of these people endorse this game)

Student girl from ClearSky Studio

Hex tiles by RatbyteBoss from


    Footsteps on grass by guillermochicasonido at

    Other sounds from

3d Vectors from

    Taufiq Anwar, Pratya Vuttapanit, Giuseppe Ramos,

    Aman Lasmana, Febry Setiawan, Marco Livolsi

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